Prada Sunglasses a hit with the Fishes Also!

by Wendy
(Mountainair, NM)

I understand Cathi Aycock's obsession with rare and beautiful sunglasses! Being chic and fashionable, especially in the Country Music Capital of the World, is of the utmost importance to me also.
When she lost her beautiful Prada sunglasses to the fishes in the water, a part of me wished I was underwater at that moment! But, alas, I don't live in Nashville or anywhere near where the water would flow to.

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Aug 07, 2013
Very funny
by: Endre - Admin

Thanks for the comment, Wendy.
A story full of fun, as well as your words :)
Who would have thought that Prada sunglasses are so popular among fishes.

Apr 28, 2014
This happened to my ex-husband before he was my ex.
by: Joyce

He was around 40 and had just went to the eye doctor and found out he needed to wear eyeglasses at night when driving. He had never had eyeglasses before, so it was totally new to him. After he got them we had gone on a drive one afternoon. All day we enjoyed he drive and as it got to be late he was going to wear his glasses for the first time.

He put them on and we started down this dirt road. At first he never said anything at all just got this freaked out scared look on his face, he kept looking over his shoulder and then back into the mirror. I asked him what was wrong as he had turned white as a sheet.

He said he had seen someone in the mirror, in the back seat of the jeep, but when he looked back they weren't there. He looked into the mirror, and the person was back. It took him a couple of double takes to realize he was seeing his own reflection with glasses on in the back seat. Of course, we laughed, but he was truly scared thinking someone had somehow gotten into the back seat of the jeep. I don't think I will every forget the look on his face when he saw his own reflection for the first time wearing glasses. Once he figured out the monster in the back seat of the jeep was, in fact, his reflection we enjoyed a good laugh.

The rest of the drive home was enjoyable except for those few moments after putting on his new eyeglasses they were quite a scare.

Apr 28, 2014
Glad you posted this Joyce
by: Endre

A funny story that made ​​me laugh with tears...

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